Have you ever dreamt of starting your own business and living life on your terms, yet are overwhelmed if you start
researching online how to go about that? Or on socials where a lot of over-promises and incorrect advice are being
given on starting a successful enterprise? This wrong advice could cost someone their life savings and importantly ruin
their life ambition and dream. Therefore, in partnership with the Erasmus University Rotterdam, we decided to pull
together a practical How-To guide explaining the key building blocks successful Start-ups go through: The Start-up
Puzzle. The carefully crafted curation of both real-life examples, as well as the academic grounding of the theory
behind these actions, should help build knowledge and understanding to guide you through the process. The end
product is a HOW-TO practitioner guide in less than 20k words that aim to offer a birdseye overview without trying to
be complete, and thus avoid overwhelming the reader.