Examples of Famous Start-up Failures and the Lessons They Teach Us

To me, it’s always valuable to analyze Start-up failures, preferably some of the more juicy ones, and see what lessons they teach us. If you have a similar twisted mind, I do recommend Nico Ceidera’s failory.com and his weekly newsletter that offers stories, frameworks, and tactics that will make you a 10x better founder, according […]

Why an academic section in a practical how-to guide?

I have fond memories of my academic education. Partly as after being in more of a straight jacket during my teenage school years, it gave me control over how, what & when to study, but importantly because it was abundantly clear to me the value was not in the reproduction of facts, but in understanding […]

Why this guide, Why Now & Why Me?

There’s a lot of over-promises and incorrect advice being given online on starting a successful enterprise. This wrong advice could cost someone their life savings and importantly ruin their life ambition and dream. Therefore, in partnership with the Erasmus University Rotterdam, we decided to pull together a practical how-to guide explaining the process successful start-ups […]

Do Start-ups need help?

Most research would indicate start-ups have, at best, a 10% chance of succeeding, hence sufficient upside. Importantly, this % can become much more favorable if & when the appropriate support & help is given. Here are some of the (obvious) reasons why assistance and knowledge can have a positive effect on the success rate, and […]